She polished up nicely


Front of house done. Some exfoliating, subtle makeup and some jewellery and years have tumbled away. There were some awkward silences when we first showed photos of the house, but we knew she had a pretty face!

Day time/night time

It seemed like a good idea to have a rhododendron either side of the door. Now we have responsibilities out the front as well! We’ll feel like proper grown-ups if we manage to keep them alive for 12 months.

8 responses »

  1. The house looks fantastic – not dissimilar to an “artist’s impression” you once did eons ago (it seems). The rhododendrons may keep tractors and delivery vans from wiping out your front steps. Do you have a street number yet?

  2. Hi Sarah,I hope you see this; it looks like you haven’t been on your blog for a while. You show up as a deleted member on the forum – is everything okay? Just hope I haven’t said anything offensive (again) . Please let me know, we don’t want to lose you!

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